Monday, June 14, 2010

Fraser Island 4x4

     After Byron Bay I headed up on a 6a bus to Rainbow Beach. Another town of roughly 10 shops. Ridiculously small. I got there two days before we left as the day before we had a meeting regarding the Fraser Island 4x4 trip. I pal-ed around with a different French guy, Ulyse, and that first night we had happy hour and met the other people in our dorm room. The next day we were supposed to have our FI meeting but 'the other buses were late dropping off your fellow 4x4-ers' so it was postponed until the day we were leaving for 645a!! No gracias. Stocked up on some fruit as snacks as they only provided meals, and got some bug spray and my first box of goon!! It's boxed wine that costs $13 for 4 liters. Yummm. Hung out with Matt that night and since we were prolly the coolest people on the trip the next day ;) we decided we'd say we were travelling together to be able to go in the same truck. Luckily it worked out that way anyway because for the 16 people going that day there were only 4 drivers, including me, so Matt and I got to go together.

     That morning we had to be checked out of the dorm, fed, packed, and have had our bags checked into the luggage room before 645a. It was so rough. We had our pre-meeting with Luke, this Aussie guy who liked to rhyme, don't be lame, make Fraser's a game....but I swear he rhymed EVERY THING that came out his mouth. After a while I was like....oh please just give us the info and let's get on with it! It's before 7a!!! But we all know how impatient I am. :)  Then we got to go see our beasts of trucks, pack them with the supplies like tents, the eskie (cooler), table, gas stove and food. Then, with 5 in the back on bench seats facing each other (thank gawd I didn't have to sit in the back...barf!) and 3 in the front, me sitting in the middle and Matt driving first, we headed to the 4x4 garage where we'd get info on how to drive on sand and in 4WD, and where we heard that the mechanics there weren't the friendliest. That was an understatement. They were pretty much angry dudes. They showed the drivers how to lock and unlock the tires to drive on the sand and inland tracks and how to use the 4WD. And then we were off!!

       We drove to the ferry that takes you across with your vehicular, and it takes about ten minutes. Then we got onto the inland track that was so bumpy and then out to the beach! We got to go 60kph...ooooh. When we got to Eurong we headed inland again on even bumpier tracks to Lake Birabeen. With Matt driving, that left me to navigate. I may or may not have shoved the map under the back BACK seat and forgot about it so I'm using this crappy little hand-drawn map to get us to Lake Birabeen so I accidentally got us lost for, like, 5 mins. Our brother car behind us with the other 8 honked and we got straightened out. We were told we couldn't go to Lake McKenzie because it was being given a face-lift, and that Lake Birabeen was just as good. It was. The water was so clear and the sand was so soft and white! It was beautiful. It was hard to believe after driving through forest for over an hour we would find this pristine lake out there.
We made lunch, wraps, and layed out for a bit. I managed to get bitten 4 times within a few minutes by the same pesky mozzy that I couldn't catch. It was super. Afterwards, we headed to the campground to set up. It was back in the forest at a camp site but it was really pretty there. Dinner we made in the dark but it was good. Then some people played drinking games and others talked and drank goon.

   In the morning we got woken up by two crows yelling at each other across our campground. It was soooo annoying, and waaaay to early for that. We got an early start, deciding to try and go to Indian Head, a lookout point, even though the 4x4 garage guys said we couldn't. Such rebels our car was! I drove that day and we headed to Lake Wobby first for a bit. Its the island's largest lake and its being taken over slowly by a sand blow.

 On the way there I had to go down this massive (ok, like, 4ft drop) with the truck. Matt's navigating, hollering at me how to best approach it. Scared the crap outta me! After I got down I stopped to wait for the other guys' truck and my heart was pounding!! So fun!! Later, when we got to Lake Wobby we were talking to the other truck and they were like ,'um, you were literally on two wheels, then the other two and it looked really dangerous!' Oh....hmmm...well...glad I couldn't see what I looked like going down!! Also got frightened by ANOTHER of those lizards, goanas, that I saw at Manly Beach. This one came outta the bushes on the walk back from Lake Wobby and I was the first to come across it and startle it!!

We stopped at the Maheno shipwreck and took some snaps. Then while the other team cooked lunch we booked it up to Indian Head. It wasn't far and we actually made good time. The reason we weren't meant to go to it was that we were supposed to be off the beach with the truck by a certain point because of the tide. At Indian Head at the top we saw a Humpback whale jumping out of the water, Manta rays also jumping, and a pretty big shark...we also weren't allowed to go in the water. :( Should been the Fraser Island Can't-Do trip with all the things they said no to). I was glad we did that. After that we met up with the other group and camped on the beach. Matt and I cooked hamburgers that night for dinner and they were pretty damn good!

Then we played cards and drank more goon and hit the hay. At some point that night there was a storm and rain came in our tent. I woke up with half a head of sopping wet hair. Haha. In the morning the two diagonal sides of the tent were caved in so I though, I'll fix it! I assumed the pole had come out of the ground so I pushed it towards its opposite end and heard this riiiiippp. The pole had broken at the top where it joins together and the two sharp points ripped through the rain cover. Apparently its $80 if you wreck a tent. Oops.

     In the morning we lazed around, made pancakes for brekkie (nothing on yours Dad!) and just hung out. We booked it back to the ferry by 2p and headed back home. :(  It was such a great trip I didn't want to go back!! We had to go back to the hostel, clean out the car of everything but the gear it came with, and then go back to the 4x4 guys. Luckily it was the nicer (if that can be said) guy. I was soooo nervous about the tent, as we'd have to split the cost as a group, but he told us to take them out and let him look at them. He took my tent out and looked at the rain cover and bundled it up saying it was ok. I gave the most massive sigh of relief! We did have to pay for 7 tent stakes missing, not our fault, at .60 cents a piece...$4.50 he came up with. I'm not good at math, but isn't that supposed to be $4.20?? Just sayin. After that we got dropped back at the hostel to shower, do laundry and relax. I had the most wonderful time and our whole car got along it was the best time ever!

I'll hopefully do my Whitsunday Sailing here in a few starts Weds at 5p!! Wish me luck!!!


  1. Yikes! Next time you need to post a warning to your mother that the material contains activities that might freak her out! LOVE your pics. Travel SAFE...

  2. Hey Becca! That 4x4 trip sounds like so much fun. I showed my brother the pics you posted and hes so jealous of that SUV. That place looks awesome!
