Saturday, April 10, 2010

The eagle has landed...

Well, I've now been here three days...and I feel like I haven't done a thing. The flight over was killer, 8 hours of very restless, crappy sleep...only to wake up at 430a local time. That was a long day. Not knowing the address of my accomodation also created a slight hiccup in my customs clearing. Although at check-in, in LA, I asked to sit as far from children as possible, I had two kids behind me, a baby one row over and up, and another very close...couldn't find it, but damn could I hear it in the middle of my sleep SCREAMING. Lovely. Story of my life. :)

Am staying with Pat, a friend of Jeremy's (met Jeremy in Interlaken in '08). Pat is an amazing host, drove me around after he picked me up from the airport for at least an hour, then brought me home for a shower and tooth-brushing, then we went to Bondi Beach, the most popular and well-known beach here. Great weather...don't even need the long sleeve shirts and jacket I brought. Am even hot (I know, ME, HOT?!) in a T and pants and thongs (what they call flip flops).

Saw the Opera House yesterday. If you know me, I purchase things based on how much I would have worked for it and if I think that's a fair price to pay. Used my 'official' student card to get a discount...and still payed 24.50 to do a one our tour. Not worth the money, but definitely a nice tour. Would have liked less short movies and more substance. Nonetheless, was ok going around alone yesterday...seems ok so far. Have met wonderful people, through Jeremy and Pat, and even had a fellow offer me his parents house more north from here when I head up there. Such accomodating people, the Ozzies. Even met Pat's mum today at his cricket final and she told us both that I am very invited to stay with them and invited to a lunch they are having next Sunday. Lovely lady.

Not really sure how this blog is supposed to work. Maybe this will kind of take place of my journal a bit as a list of where I've been. Hopefully you've not found this boring...if so, I would love some feedback. I'll now try and add some photos...wish me luck.


  1. Enjoyed your writing and photos! Keep it up and have fun. Love ya!

  2. This is so cool! Now I can follow you around and pretend I am there with you :) Hope you are safe and well!
